
Covid-19 vaccines: frequently asked questions and updated answers
Articles Scientifiques / recherche

Diabetes in French Guiana, adapting national standards of therapeutic education and care to the amazonian challenge
Articles Scientifiques / recherche

Enfants du fleuve : comment bien naître en Guyane
Outils pédagogiques

Evaluating the impact of curfews and other measures on SARS-CoV-2 transmission in French Guiana
Articles Scientifiques / recherche

First description of bullous lupus associated with cutaneous leishmaniasis: coincidence or trigger?
Articles Scientifiques / recherche

Gastric Cancer Incidence and Mortality in French Guiana: South American or French?
Articles Scientifiques / recherche

Gastrointestinal disseminated histoplasmosis in HIV-infected patients: A descriptive and comparative study
Articles Scientifiques / recherche

HIV-Associated Disseminated Histoplasmosis and Rare Adrenal Involvement: Evidence of Absence or Absence of Evidence
Articles Scientifiques / recherche

In utero Zika virus exposure and neurodevelopment at 24 months in toddlers normocephalic at birth: a cohort study
Articles Scientifiques / recherche

L’épidémiologie des syndromes coronariens aigus en Guyane française
Articles Scientifiques / recherche

Malaria in Gold Miners in the Guianas and the Amazon: Current Knowledge and Challenges
Articles Scientifiques / recherche

Morbidité pédiatrique d’un village amérindien en Guyane française (2009–2016)
Articles Scientifiques / recherche

Neonatal COVID-19 in French Guiana, a CaseControl study
Articles Scientifiques / recherche

Orpailleurs clandestins : prévalences des statuts VIH, VHB, VHC, VHD et syphilitique d’une population isolée et méconnue
Articles Scientifiques / recherche